Episode 16: Byram on how to harness inspiration for your creative expression

Show Notes


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In the Episode

  • Byram finds creating a space where creativity can flourish is the most important part of preparing for a creative project. He could warm up but without the right space to think and create it won’t be the same.
  • Byram grew up in a creative household with both of his parents having experience in the entertainment industry. His father voiced the singing voice for Moses in The Prince of Egypt.
  • When he started writing music it was difficult to finish songs. It was easy starting them, but finishing songs turned out to be pretty difficult. His first song he finished was for a school book report. A song about Dante’s inferno… (No link to share unfortunately)
  • We learned a lot about how we can approach inspiration and how to harness it as a tool to focus and limit the scope of the project act hand. Options can be stifle creativity in some cases. By limiting things, not necessarily the tools you use, but the concepts you work with can help in the creative process for focusing on what matters most in expressing your work.
  • It is important to balance being a specialist and a generalist. Byram talks about how he leans more toward being a solid generalist, but points to the value of working with others that specialize and are at the top of their field. Great music is produced, written, mixed, etc. by a group of specialists that work well together in most cases.
  • Shoutout to Neon West!
  • Live shows (when we were going to live shows) are a great experience, however music videos are also great outlets for true creativity. We also really like Byram’s music video that you can find HERE!
  • Advice: Be a good steward for what you already have. It will create more opportunity and space for what you want.